Thank you for this. When people that had been considered reputable were posting about self-assembling nano particles I had to wonder: is this possible? Thanks for the debunking!

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Sincerely, nothing has been debunked. All that's required was an email to the authors to verify the capability of their equipment. How abt you review the literature and what the criminals said themselves...




Even Dan 2:43 confirms that they will mingle with the seed of men but it shall not cleave and that Iron- nanotech + clay- body of man is the fourth industrial revolution. Why is that so difficult to grasp?

Or perhaps maybe the video from the NNI- National Nanotech Institute itself will finally settle this 4U, pls watch below. It was their most single achievement since inception... How difficult can it be for us to get something this simple.






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Is it possible that what the entire industry actually calls nanoparticles or really much bigger than that... something is not adding up if your stack is to be even considered at face value. See video


I definitely can't believe that the plethora of researchers walking in this field all have access to this high tech equipment you lavishly quote here considering how expensive the equipments are. Are hey all lying abt working in the nano field??? See below


I took great pains to read your substack so i can understand where you're coming from and the basis of your refutal. It will help greatly if you directed your questions to the authors of the paper Lee and her co author so like an average human will do you at least give them the right of response.

Secondly, your points abt nano size and the capability of the equipments used are very well understood. May i suggest you at least do a similar study using the same tool or perhaps the ones capable of detecting nano to at least refute or confirm their investigations. The scientific literature is full of the presence of these nanotech even Israel's Ido Batchelet talks very freely abt the presense of these things in injections that can be injected into humans. Perhaps this will help you, it's way back since 2003 - https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2001/11/liquid-computing-html

Thirdly, am all for challenging established dogma and the science. This is exactly what science needs so it can mature and be developed to its fullest potential.

One thing is almost irrefutable, there are plentiful nanotech in the vials as shown by various papers and even pfizer itself -




So perhaps maybe the industry has simply gotten the term incorrectly and it shld be called something other than nano given the insanely small size of nano. Lastly, i'll take the liberty to send your substack to the authors assuming you have't done that already. Perhaps that would have helped us all clear this impasse. I want to believe you're an honest individual and not some plant by the very people we're trying to fight.


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Ok Christie I stand corrected. My apologies

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When assembled the size of the nano built structures are up to 2 microns, cubed. This is what is seen. Even the designers still refer to these structures as nano structures.

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Very much looking forward to your paper!

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